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A arte dos fãs da Batgirl dá a Stephanie Brown um novo traje impressionante e com spoilers

A arte dos fãs da Batgirl dá a Stephanie Brown um novo traje impressionante e com spoilers

E aí, galera! Está difícil aprender inglês? Que tal se tornar um verdadeiro Jedi da língua inglesa com o curso A Jornada do Autodidata em inglês? E o melhor de tudo é que você, meu caro Padawan, tem 40% de desconto por ser meu leitor! Bora dar um upgrade no seu inglês?

Botão Astronauta 06 - A Jornada do Autodidata em Inglês

Hey guys! Artist Kaitlyn Leeds, also known as VioletSyren on social media, created an amazing design for our beloved Batgirl, Stephanie Brown! She combined Spoiler’s classic look with Batgirl’s costume, creating a mashup that left everyone drooling! The black and purple outfit from Batgirl’s fan-favorite 2007-2008 run was combined with a face covering that looks like Spoiler’s mask and little bat ears on the hood.

Stephanie Brown has had several costumes over the years since her first appearance in Detective Comics #647 in 1992, but most of them incorporated black and purple colors or a mask that covered either the entire face or the lower half. Her most recent costume in the Batgirls series, which is almost over, looks very similar to Leeds’ art but does not have a bat mask and features a purple bat symbol and a gold belt.

A little about History

Speaking of history, Stephanie Brown has had a trajectory that would make Batman proud! She was once Red Robin for a while and helped out a lot. But her lack of experience annoyed Batman, who fired her. To prove that she was capable, Stephanie ended up starting a massive gang war in the 2004 War Games event, which resulted in her apparent death at the hands of the villain Black Mask. But she was healed and returned in style! She became Gotham’s first and only Batgirl after Bruce Wayne was declared dead in DC’s Final Crisis.

Today, Stephanie and Cassandra Cain are an unbeatable duo in the Batgirls series, working for Gotham City’s original Batgirl, Barbara Gordon. So if you’re a Batgirl fan, keep an eye out for this amazing new art from VioletSyren!

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Não Perca essa Oportunidade!

Gostou do que leu? Então, não perca mais tempo e torne-se um expert em inglês com o curso A Jornada do Autodidata em inglês! Você vai ficar fluente no idioma como se fosse o Tony Stark programando o Jarvis! E não esqueça: o desconto de 40% é válido somente para meus leitores, então aproveite enquanto pode!

Botão Astronauta 06 - A Jornada do Autodidata em Inglês

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